It is possible that wealth may be unequally distributed in the world, facilities may be unequally distributed, but one thing is equally distributed – problems. Every one of us has to face them some time – from billionaire to beggar and pop star to pauper. In some cases they are visible, they are well-known and in some they are not.
During a calamity, our plans, hopes, desires are repeatedly thwarted. We find our self alone with no solution at hand feeling despondent, disturbed and distracted. In a calamity, one may lament and end up in depression or one may burst out to eliminate the source of trouble and end up in destruction.
Depression and destruction – both are detrimental. Is there any other way out ?
Yes, first step in facing calamity is to consciously accept the facts – we cannot control the situation in front of us. We do not have the complete understanding of reality. Therefore there can be a solution which we may not be aware. We need someone else to help us out.
We need to approach a personality who is –
- Concerned to help us.
- Possessing an unbiased view of reality.
- Broad view of reality.
For example if we are drowning in a river, a person can help us if
- He is interested to help us.
- He is free to help us.
- He is on the bank.
One who is not obsessed with selfish enjoyment and sense indulgence can act selflessly and be inclined to help others.
One who is connected to a higher reality within can have a more clear and unbiased vision of reality without. (Bhagavad Gita 6.8) For example one who is situated on the ground has a limited vision whereas one who is situated above the ground has a broad vision.
One who is not involved in any way with our problem can have a broad view of reality beyond the problem.
Therefore we have to approach a personality fulfilling the above criteria to come out of our calamity.