Prosperity & Spirituality – 2 : Spirituality gives effective motivation to pursue prosperity

Wanting to prosper and becoming prosperous

The enrollment ratio in higher education in India is 27.3 percent i.e. of the 800 million youth, only 250 million could make it to a university. Many end up doing jobs in the unorganized sector as workers and laborers or worst case remaining unemployed. It is one thing to want to prosper and it is another thing to become prosperous. It is one thing to become prosperous and another thing to remain prosperous. Some earn money well but fail in properly managing money. It is a regular headline to find a self-made successful man getting caught in a scandal or becoming bankrupt. Apart from having a definite purpose for making money, one needs a sustainable motivation that helps one smoothly navigate the rough road of making and maintaining wealth.

Spirituality provides a sustainable motivation

Money making in the right form through honest means is often slow and difficult. The tendency is always to find an easy route which can often be unethical. Unethical means placing one’s self-interest and comfort above the interest and comfort of others and the society (BG 16.9). If one becomes obsessed with oneself alone, then ethics and regulations become a burden. An unethical and corrupt approach to work though undiscovered creates anxiety and guilt. Spirituality enables one to see the spiritual essence in everyone and see them in connection to God and in this way, one will be able to be sensitive to others’ comforts and interests.

Earning wealth is a tough bet. It becomes hard. It is filled with ups and downs. When it becomes hard, it can become hard to focus on. One may get tempted by recreation and vices. When it becomes too easy, one may be tempted to binge on sensuality because of which one may lose alertness. Spirituality helps one to become aware of the nature of the world and the complexities involved in it. That way, one is more prepared to face uncertainties and become less defeated by them. Spirituality also help one to recognize the divinity of wealth and educates one to be a custodian of wealth and partake one’s share.

Spirituality provides a satisfying motivation

Wealth can make one overambitious and competitive. This will deprive one of fulfilment and make one stressful (BG 16.13). Wealth can itself be a greatest temptation. Wealth can put one to illusion and make one earn more and more wealth forgetting the purpose for which wealth is acquired. One may tend to think that wealth can bring everything and everything is meant for wealth. Spirituality helps one see wealth with a divine connection and from a divine perspective. Spirituality acquaints one with the real purpose of wealth and prevents one from succumbing to over-ambition and provides fulfilment. This will also suffice when one happen to fail in one’s attempts to acquire wealth.

Wealth to some extent provides relief from material distress and helps one acquire material needs. Further, the happiness derived from wealth also depends on the purpose for which wealth is meant for. If the purpose is primarily selfish, then the happiness derived is minimal. Spirituality helps one experience happiness by providing encouragement for small and selfless acts of compassion and service. That happiness motivates one in the course of earning wealth.

Spirituality helps one become ethical and focused while earning wealth. Spirituality helps one experience fulfilment and happiness even in the course of acquiring wealth.